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The start of the semester 

Mirroring this semester

Hmm... returning to college in my late 30s after years away from school felt intimidating, daunting, and scary. On the one hand I was nervous about having to learn and adapt to so much new software that wasn’t around when I was in school over a decade ago. On the other hand, I have a huge amount of general life and career experience that most traditional college students lack. I’ve raised a family, I’ve built professional skills, and I’ve gained perspectives that I think allow me to approach education with more maturity and clarity around my goals.  My priorities and way of thinking are very different at this stage of life compared to fresh high school graduates just entering college for the first time.


 English 1301 with Mrs. A. showed me I could still thrive as a student and end up being an incredible positive experience that revealed strengths in myself I didn’t know existed. Her encouragement and innovative teaching approaches revealed inner perseverance I'll carry with me long after this semester.


I must emphasize just how instrumental Mrs. A’s patience and support were in building my self-esteem, especially during the unavoidable moments each week when I felt out of my depth. She cultivated an affirming environment celebrating students from diverse walks of life united in advancing our education. I wasn’t made to feel inadequate for finding aspects like mastering new technology challenging as one of the oldest students in the classroom. Mrs. A championed progress however gradual, listening with empathy when stress almost overwhelmed me.


 Many professors pay lip service to accessibility but demonstrate little flexibility in practice. Mrs. A’s actions consistently put student welfare first. Her insights into balancing my education amid other midlife responsibilities meant I avoided burnout and anxiety hijacking my focus. Simply knowing she comprehended my unique hurdles as a non-traditional learner returning after years dedicated to family made a profound difference psychologically. I felt genuinely respected. This interpersonal connection accompanied innovative course components producing meaningful growth by semester’s end. Introducing emerging tools like chatbots developed practical abilities to equip me for contemporary career landscapes where AI aids various fields.


Collaborating with peers on inventive group projects utilizing chatbots built confidence expressing ideas through public speaking. Mrs. A spurred us gently beyond our comfort zones while her tutelage prevented discouragement. Class podcasts, videos and imaginative talks challenging ingrained thought patterns showed I contained more courage than I realized to speak passionately on issues impacting communities. Feedback was constructive, not negative. My motivation shifted from merely passing assignments to enjoying self-discovery through them. However, the greatest revelation was recognizing the grit and tenacity underlying my successes.


When progress seemed to stall, Mrs. A embraced small daily gains. Over time, individual victories compounded into genuine advancement. I often battled doubts of falling behind younger classmates more comfortable with technology—Mrs. A spotlighted my rich life experiences as assets to contextualize lessons. She has the patience of a saint, very understanding and an overall good person. This class validated intangible strengths developed through raising children and overcoming midlife obstacles. I will treasure many standout moments looking back years from now when I reminisce fondly on my first college course as an adult student. From enlightening talks with Mrs. A to thought-provoking dialogues with peers, this class stretched my thinking beyond expectations.


I could not have asked for a better introduction to higher education helping me believe wholeheartedly in pursuing my occupational therapy goals. More importantly, the journey reaffirmed my courage to envision a brighter future. With an empowered perspective, having navigated life’s complexity equips me for achieving whatever I set my mind to with consistency and heart. In showing my daughter chatbots’ educational applications, I passed forward renewed excitement for lifelong learning.


I’m excited my daughter will inherit these lessons about technology’s merits and self-belief’s importance when obstacles arise. Demonstrating chatbots to aid her studies sparked inspiration through living proof that one is never too old to modernize skills and pursue ambitious goals. English 1301 class illuminated possibilities, not constraints, as I contemplated what future paths to explore.  My outlook forever changed by a professor who saw beyond any superficial limitations is the greatest gift of all…

The end  of the semester

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