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Letter to Carmellia

Hey Babygirl,


 I know life seems beyond overwhelming right now, our unstable home life, the unrelenting bullies, those voices in your head constantly shaming you. Peers tearing you down, including yourself, have made you feel small and scared to reach for an ounce of happiness. I won’t lie to you by saying things will get easier immediately. This difficult path was carved out long before you, and you must go through it as this is your journey. But the journey is worth the temporary pain. You are so beautiful inside and out.


 You have a pure spirit and remember you are enough!  Continue treating people as you would want to be treated, (this will take you far.) We will have two kids, a girl and a boy who love us more than anything in this world and vice versa. We will move from Little Rock to Houston, TX where we will meet our husband. (A pretty good guy) and purchase a home in Spring, TX.  We will get tired of working in the mortgage field and go to college when we are 36! YIKES. Lol. Nothing but positive vibes.


Keep your head up baby girl, I promise you it will get better, Love you​!


 --- Self

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